如果你喜欢科学、各种生命体、新技术、神秘的各种难以理解的事物(小说、电影、电脑游戏),喜欢研究事物的工作原理,对自然和生命体问题特别感兴趣,那你可能会喜欢这个专业。如果你注重细节,具有创造力、批判性思维能力、量化分析能力、空间思维能力、动手能力、记忆力,数学能力突出,那你很适合学习这个专业。 生物化学专业是一门用化学的原理和方法,研究生命现象的学科。通过研究生物体的化学组成、代谢、营养、酶功能、遗传信息传递、生物膜、细胞结构及分子等阐明生命现象。 9 D; Y- p, n* I9 G! d; }
加拿大生物化学专业比较有名的高校也有不少,比如说Mcgill University,University of Toronto,Western University,最近正好有人咨询西安大略的生物化学专业,我们就来详细探究一下。
1 \' N) \ `( L6 l. dBMSc Program医药科学本科 The Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMSc) degrees are four-year undergraduate degrees, offered jointly by the Faculty of Science and the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, and are designed for students interested in advanced study in the basic medical sciences.Honors Specialization in Biochemistry荣誉生物化学专业 Honors specializations provide a detailed exposure to the discipline and are the best choice for students wishing to pursue graduate degrees. One of the principal courses of the Honors Specialization is an independent [url=]research thesis project[/url] weighted at 1.5 credits. This course not only provides in-depth lab experience, but also provides problem-solving and critical-thinking skills that are much sought after in the biotechnology field and by professional schools. Honors Specialization Modules这是此学位可选择方向,大多大三才能选择,如果能力突出可修double major [url=]Biochemistry[/url] [url=]Biochemistry and Cell Biology[/url] [url=]Biochemistry and Chemistry[/url] [url=]Biochemistry of Infection and Immunity[/url] [url=]Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry[/url] [url=]HBA/BMSc (Biochemistry)[/url] [url=]Chemical Biology[/url] [url=]Clinical Biochemistry[/url] (admission discontinued) [url=]Computational Biochemistry[/url] [url=]Genetics and Biochemistry[/url] [url=]Biochemistry and Pathology of Human Disease[/url] 3 X0 t3 j4 q7 P5 j" p6 k2 M
3 }, v1 i1 \' @! k `. |$ n, u
Admission Requirement 申请材料 Academic transcript of Senior Secondary (成绩单)indicating all subjects taken and grades earned. Applicants may be considered for conditional admission on the basis of mid-year/mid-term results. Mid-year results and a secondary school transcript must be submitted directly to Western from the institutions attended. If you are issued a conditional offer of admission, you will be required to have your final official academic transcript, Graduation Examinations, and University Entrance Examinations sent directly from the proper issuing authority along with word-for-word English translations, to World Education Services (WES) Canada for authentication and verification.** 如果还未毕业可以申请conditional admission有条件录取,成绩单需要WES中英文公证,虽然官方无成绩要求,但本着择优录取的原则建议均分85左右 Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma高中毕业证 General Education Examination results (Graduation Exams/ Hui Kao/Xuéyé Shuiping Cèshi/Academic Proficiency Test). For provinces that do not administer or are exempt from taking the general education examinations, a letter from your Senior Secondary verifying the schools and/or provinces examination policy is required. 会考成绩,对于免于参加会考的省份,您需要提供高中在读证明和/或省份考试政策的信函。 Chinese University Entrance Examination (NCEE / Gao Kao)高考成绩(建议达到一本线水平) Refer to the chart below for program specific required and recommended courses. Course prerequisites should be presented at the senior level: Senior Level Biology1 p; u- d: k# h* ]( y6 }/ a9 J
Senior Level Calculus0 [" f8 _! u8 K* y
Senior Level Chemistry
5 L" X1 }: n, A3 j3 z
9 Q+ i7 \! h' G7 dProof of English language proficiency. Test results must be issued directly to Western from the Examining Board. 语言成绩要求
; E2 ]; s3 t+ k The minimum score required on the TOEFL is 550 on the paperbased with a 5 on the TWE, and 83 on the internet-based tests with no score below 20. 托福笔试550,写作不低于5;机考83分,小分不低于20 IELTS Academic is required with a minimum overall band score of 6.5 with no part less than 6.0. 雅思考试总分6.5,小分不低于6 The English Language Centre at Western UniversityLevel Ten Fanshawe College's ESL ProgramSuccessful completion of the Level 7 (former Level 'D') at CultureWorks ' U3 M) N3 [' p. ^8 |
范莎ESL项目10级水平 cultureworks7级毕业 5 i: Z3 G) E. N% q3 t' J+ C: z
Fee 花费 | ON CAMPUS校内 | OFF CAMPUS校外 | Tuition & Fees: Most Programs* | $26,730 to $29,570 | $26,730 to $29,570 | Books & Supplies** | $1,500 to $3,000* | $1,500 to $3,000* | Residence & Meal Plan | $11,285 to $14,405 | $0 | Off-campus Rent | $0 | $4,800 to $7,200 | Food (without meal plan) | $0 | $2,800 to $4,800 | Utilities | $0 | $800 | Internet | $360 | $120 to $400 | Phone | $240 to $480 | $240 to $480 | Personal Items
& u3 ~3 z* L2 N: Y1 x- A! ~" M | $800 | $800 | Local Transportation1 }, f+ y- g5 N' _
(bus pass included in tuition & fees)% e) {/ z2 d- ?
| $0
8 i u6 m5 D0 ?/ N6 ]2 `& _0 `8 @' Y" j+ d* V' b1 u0 k! L
| $0 |2 j9 Q! j5 S! n% ?' a
; O, a7 d8 z* ~, a' K( L% q
| Clothing | $600 | $600 | Entertainment | $800 | $800 | Laundry | $200 | $200 | Total Cost
. G7 `( `% K- X" u Q: A(first academic year) | $43,015 to $54,445# W1 @6 j" a* S) W0 q B- n; ?
| $40,290 to $52,880 | . o% N+ e* k" G, T& _
BiochemistryMaster of Science (MSc)生物化学硕士
) l5 {5 O/ S2 `; d7 \4 ?
% P, {& }( ]" O+ LIn the Biochemistry Graduate program, our students experience an exceptional research and teaching environment that includes a diverse, multi-disciplinary community of expert research faculty. We provide valuable learning opportunities that can translate into increased job opportunities and open doors to varied potential careers. Biochemistry degrees offered include the following: 此硕士有以下两种形式 As a graduate student, you have access to many supports and services. Important information for your academic career will be posted on this site and the [url=]Graduate Studies[/url] website. Please check regularly for updated information. Admission& U2 n/ u7 ]- G _9 ~, v5 l. h* o
录取要求 International applicants require the following:
( i* b3 a4 s+ DEnglish Language ProficiencyApplicants whose first language is not English must furnish evidence of their proficiency in the use of the English language by a satisfactory achievement within the last two years in one of the following. Our minimum score requirements are: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): 250, computer based; internet based test (iBT) 90, with no individual score lower than 22. 托福机考250;托福网考90,小分不低于22 International English Language Testing Service (IELTS): 6.5 out of 9. 雅思6.5
9 e" x v8 V2 O$ j% {0 w+ P" `6 s Fanshawe College ESL Program: Level 5, Advanced Academic Preparation, minimum 80% in each component. 范莎ESL课程级别5,均分80 # w3 ^9 t: }9 h* p" h
# M0 ?4 h4 _+ k, bGraduate Record Examination (GRE)For applicants educated outside North America, a GRE score in one of the following subjects is required: Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology; Biology; Chemistry. Scores will be evaluated on an individual basis. Non-thesis MSc授课型硕士 The non-thesis Master of Science (MSc) is a one-year, course-based degree. It will be available to students with a four-year undergraduate BSc (or equivalent) with a major or specialization in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Biology, Chemistry, or related discipline, as judged appropriate by the Biochemistry Graduate Program. non-thesis Master of Science (MSc)学制一年,授课为主。需要4年制本科,专业是Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Biology, Chemistry或者相关领域 The admission requirements include >78% average over the last two academic years of your undergraduate program. Applicants to the program must have taken a minimum of a 1.0 credit Biochemistry course at the 3rd year level, such as [url=]BIOC 3381[/url] (0.5 credit Biological Macromolecules) plus [url=]BIOC 3382[/url] (0.5 credit Biochemical Regulation). 本科后两年均分要求至少78,第三年至少上过1个学分的生物化学课程 ( ~: c9 I7 ^1 R. y. E" N4 |
Thesis-based Degrees研究型硕士During the final two years of your undergraduate program, a minimum academic average of B+ (78%) as calculated by the Department is required. 本科最后两年均分B+或者至少78. Prior to enrollment, an Honours degree (4 year degree) with or without a research project is required in one of Biochemistry, Biology, Genetics, Chemistry, Cell Biology, Microbiology, or Physiology OR an equivalent from an accredited University. 需要4年制荣誉学位,最好有过在Biochemistry, Biology, Genetics, Chemistry, Cell Biology, Microbiology, or Physiology等领域的项目研究 We will also consider applications from students who do not have a degree as listed above but who do have one or more of the following: An Honors degree in a closely related discipline Two or more upper year biochemistry courses An MSc degree in one of the named disciplines or an MD, DVM, or DDS degree
$ |: z- G2 w1 p% T
相关领域荣誉学士学位,上过2年或以上高等生物化学课程或者拥有以上领域硕士或者MD, DVM, or DDS学位的申请者也会被考虑 0 o; k( B& D! V! [5 r! p
Fee 学费加杂费$20,808 - $22,008 生活费$16,320 - $21,240 $ ]' F0 ^. g* l9 `1 {6 c8 I
- p1 V: P% F! e% W; h* g: i8 k! s
申请加拿大留学请加微信canadaliuxuehelp或扫描二维码详聊 更多加拿大院校资讯请关注公众号
/ H( t. v. n8 x0 f, W) c0 ^ |