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安省电价可能在三月一日 起再次 有6.2% 的上涨”-企业参考









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发表于 2011-3-1 19:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Independent 于 2011-3-1 19:28 编辑 ) P- J3 p* G% P( W

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Ont. electricity rates expected to rise next week

2 D: d9 E/ H3 q# v
加通社透露, 安省电价可能在三月一日 起再次 有6.2% 的上涨”6 G; Q) B1 d& }" J

8 n) O& @# U! C- O3 F/ C: [$ B! Y3 a



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% M/ s7 ^* N# d* r' N- J0 J1 _Ref:  CBC News 13:03 2011-2-23
5 d  g5 ~& W9 w; D8 h. S7 m: q2 o' D, M. a$ g% E7 n. N# W
Electricity ratepayers in Ontario, already reeling from soaring prices, should brace for more increases. The Ontario Energy Board agreed Tuesday to let utilities raise rates to recover $18 million they paid in fines and legal costs after charging consumers excessive interest on late payments.- v7 V. @- y9 R# V2 w

; v: L- f1 ]7 S: \- g# Y8 t, w% p2 `* M: h: y
。。。。。“加通社透露, 安省电价可能在三月一日 起再次 有6.2% 的上涨”$ u  J6 G. g% B, F1 F: u' P$ ?
The energy board is also expected to rule shortly on a request from Ontario Power Generation for a 6.2 per cent increase in its electricity rates effective March 1. 据悉, 安省能源可能批准一项由安省供电系统最近提出的关于电费增长 6.2% (3 月1 日生效)的提案。
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; ]3 o/ e6 E4 yThe Liberal government has been under non-stop attack over rising electricity rates, especially since the HST was added to hydro bills last July. But Premier Dalton McGuinty said Tuesday he wouldn't be directing the energy board on OPG's rate request.7 g) j6 T( y* g$ q9 R5 N5 b% M8 q0 ~

& l/ g% T0 h% V7 l. g
( V1 s0 ?; ^& p6 x"The OPG request is the kind of thing that will have to be considered by the Ontario Energy Board," said McGuinty.
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Listen and read more ? 更多阅读 及视听:; z! g/ K. `0 K! {/ e, I2 F; Z7 @

  v! Q$ j( w! S' l! t' ]Link: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2011/02/22/ontaro-electricity-rates.html% l1 S+ Z+ P# s) y4 k$ T
. V$ w# s, d) s( ^
多市大公报 及时报道的文章见附:! J) z4 u; p0 c! Q3 B7 q

5 F' a0 a- n, D: h3 l
) J+ o' L( ?5 z7 s. a$ j
3 e. G) H$ s8 T9 t; ~( CA new way of looking at energy bills.5 b+ l  G6 t0 N( r: W% ?% ]" J
7 }: j$ {1 H+ c- U2 GA member of MCBA.CCBC CFCA         H/ m2 T9 ^) N+ b
* New Website 2011, [http://www.energy-tech.ca/ennews.php + M4 j. f5 m2 z
*A new way of looking at your Hydro bills,
; M: }; q& D" p*We come to listen, share, and discuss energy cost in five years for businesses.
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