本帖最后由 Independent 于 2011-4-25 20:13 编辑 0 ^3 N" @6 b8 D
+ g: ^/ l2 ^7 L* H
安省能源局最新电价(五月一日实行) 再次上调达 8-15% 【能源资讯 企业参考】
5 ^9 z- j+ @" j& x: o9 ` & K2 h3 g4 r) p% i
华人工商业主:五 月一日起, 普通电价 由 0.074 上调为 0.079 kWh,高峰电价调整为 0.107 kWh 平均价上升为 0.085 kWh。分时电价的上调涨幅达 8-15%。这次RPP普通电价上调,对用量较大工商用户影响较大!望华人企业充分考虑。参加省批发电网的能源公司客户批发电力市场指数价将不受此次普通 电价上扬的影响, 价格风险得到规避. 5 B* {9 b# b" B2 l0 _$ t
) f6 T# L2 D* t # Q3 h8 w2 E8 X- C
* 这次安省能源局(五月一日实行新价)提高地方普通电价以及中锋及低峰价上涨尤为明显。$ S, y$ X5 n2 S7 ?5 v- y3 i
* 2011 目前地方普通电价 由 0.074 kWh上调为 0.079 kWh
) ^( e" F; ]8 @$ Y4 h* 2012 各地实行的分时电价 高峰电价调整为 0.107 kWh 平均价上升为 0.085 kWh
( W6 f+ \& w% d: Y( |0 I*下图显示数字电表峰值电价 自 2006 年以来一直处于上涨趋势
+ f, A L1 a. G" f0 s
( P4 j5 S5 n& K) z/ w6 u
' ]) H$ R" }( h/ R( YTime-of-Use Prices, 2006 - May 2011
% Y1 u( p) s6 t8 t# J* `" F * 资料来源Toronto Star ( SmartMeter Pricing 2006 - 2011 ) Info Sourcewww.thestar.com/.../977120--electricity-prices-going-up-3-8?.../ M, d0 H8 v8 M/ D
( k/ E8 D2 u) M2 L1 h+ P& s: ^
: t: b: i2 n* t7 @
Till 2011 April 31 * 资料来源 [url=http://www.ieso.cawww.ieso.ca[/url[/url]]
原文链接0 X7 S# ?) m) l4 m" n2 J' N
2 M: _# {" p' e普通电价 由 0.074 kWh上调为 0.079 kWh9 D/ {: ]: G3 _$ t
OEB anounce new price start may 1st, ( Apr. 19 Newswire )
8 g t: T! Y; J' k% l6 S0 |/ o& Chttp://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/April2011/19/c5345.html3 x/ ?0 Q# m* E# p- c/ k
' Q( b! m( D! Y& @
峰时段 高峰电价 调整为 0.107 平均价上升为 0.085 kWh" m" b8 B* d6 X( W+ H
Hydro Prices went up again, 8-15% by Financial Post, 金融时报 Yesterday!
6 `) M! X& u# B" A4 P+ pFinancial Post "Electricity Prices" rise 8%-15%
/ W& r9 P& v" R' L; [* U: M# Ahttp://opinion.financialpost.com/2011/04/19/ontario-power-trip-the-540-million-electricity-tax/! e9 C+ l5 |4 S( A& |) e
0 C; u6 u9 H/ K3 ^
资料显示 自 2006 以来, 峰时段电价呈不断上升趋势。, k; K% g" n H3 e( ^
Electricity prices going up 3.8% - thestar.com - Toronto Star
9 Z, A: S I3 I: G+ P: D' s; sOntario householders will pay more than 10 cents a kilowatt hour for the energy portion of their electricity bill at peak periods under new prices announced ...% ?, T+ Y4 z9 W4 ~+ H* B
www.thestar.com/.../977120--electricity-prices-going-up-3-8?... * 资料研究 Independent Research Team @Energy.Tech.Inc A member of MCBA.CCBC CFCA
. O- _6 S& d1 s1 f1 f2 n; N *
& H% k3 ~9 E( v7 L" `' tA new look at energy bills, we come to listen, share, and discuss energy cost in 5 years 5 H$ U* |' C# X) r1 U
Energy Consultancy Independent# O0 r2 y2 P8 N
Associated with *just.energy.com
, \. I7 L9 J+ y# L: d A new way of looking at energy bills. *the Philosophy of Just Energy, Stabilize, & reduce energy cost for businesses |