to lightmimi: 对不起。上周六当天晚上电话(pay go phone)的剩余资金就丢了。看不到你的号码。有时间打球的话,先在这里发信息吧。to 甜蜜蜜:对不起,像上面说的,电话像上面说的,暂时没有再续费。上周六晚7-8点之前没见你们电话,所以后来就联系不上了。一周时间平常也基本不来这里(本来没别的特别的事的话,就不是总来这里)。我周六周日还行。你老公有空打球的话,先在这里发消息吧。谢谢。对不起了。
to 甜蜜蜜: Tell me your husband's phone number. I don't think you put your any number here. I will call you for this weekend for sure. Your lucky husband. 7 t7 M2 ^6 N- y, Y) r$ q, PI think I had to re-fund my phone by this week. " E6 c4 L2 @2 `4 R) I5 JWhere do you live roughly in London? Does your husband know any tennis court? I am at west close to Sherwood Mall.