
- 积分
- 263
- 威望
- 226 点
- 资产
- 6378 金币
- 注册时间
- 2006-7-24

数据:写Thank you letter得人不到4%, 被拒绝后要求feedback得人可能连0.4%都不到!- M) r/ o* N& w/ A2 D
1 z% {/ ]: D# P3 G
简单说下follow-up的重要性,它不但可以延长交流期限,还可以通过询问和解答问题使双方更加了解,哪怕当前这次不行,下次雇用筛选的时候你和Recruiter的关系已经给了你最大的相对优势!, o* H. ?' O8 O( w- {2 \
- j6 @2 o3 }8 ?! n1 ~& d
推荐一网站, http://www.interviewstuff.com/ 专门关于写cover letter,thank you letter, 和其他follow up 的技巧的。很多免费资源,也有独立的收费项目,不过那些免费资源看过一圈后已经很受益匪浅了!
6 n7 |5 ?7 P* o" r
9 O; @5 \8 ^/ X9 X& B. K涉及到面试本身是一个纯粹的眼对眼,鼻对鼻的一小时沟通!在这里面尽可能的利用面试官的问题证明你如何能够胜任所求得职位,同时也要充分利用这段时间向面试官咨询任何你对该公司感兴趣的内容,这会充分的证明你对该公司的热情和执著!
' g3 r8 ~$ V' [/ }* v/ E; X
/ i- ^# p" _0 U. B+ [0 N最常见也最为过滤人选的一道问题是为什么你要应聘与我公司或者为什么我要聘请你。 一个主观一个客观,但都是为了了解应聘者的能力是否能够上任。 就目前为止,俺申请的职位暂时达不到标准。不过通过有效的follow-up和过渡性的工作经历,下次录用筛选的时候俺被录用的可能性您说是不是会提升大半呢~~~~~/ O1 \0 }& Z* J
$ Q0 F6 C, X4 y9 u2 n# y
# P3 ?) u$ v# }6 K. m) a
下面是我的两封感谢信,一封被拒绝后的索要回馈, 然后一封老板的回信。
) P* }. A" o& w, C(面试我的有两个人,工作是TD的Collection Officer,信用卡/贷款等催债的官员,然后被推荐去暂时做推销员,过渡一下以后再回来应聘)/ @4 j/ {) b8 K6 y& R
) r, y$ Y3 K+ f4 P
* W; c3 D. u4 U2 g4 o/ N& ]! _& V* S' A" R! X
- `' j2 L% `$ t, p: {4 e+ n) K3 j( ~
---------------------------------------------0 d5 j% h) \2 u9 w7 d: g
Dear Paul,1 Q6 [3 F+ O) _& A& c
1 P5 r) Q+ u, ], y
I would like to take the opportunity to personally say \"thank you\" for giving me the interview today about the Collection Officer position with TD Canada Trust. I appreciate your time and consideration in interviewing me for this position.- v: W o) n6 h- m
' W3 s# { _& B0 Y
After speaking with you and your colleague, I do find the job is very orientated and challenging as an entry-level position. However, I do feel that I would be a perfect candidate for this position with confidence, offering the quick learning and adaptability and most importantly - negotiation skill that are needed for this diversified position.
- Q; h% u0 l. _& w$ a7 k, p# r5 H9 `6 ~7 y4 k( Q0 q
In addition to my enthusiasm for performing well, I would bring the technical and analytical skills I\'ve learned to get the job done at 120% of my ability, as in 100% is what I got up-to-date, and 20% is what I will be acquired in the next year through continuously learning in the interest of maintaining my employability.
! Y7 F; ]+ r: p) T. T; Q# g5 d! ?8 e( j- M9 ]
I am very interested in working for you and looking forward to hearing from you once the final decisions are made regarding this position.! t: h+ S0 F) k: l2 ]2 s% R& }& M
0 x7 l( z( ]! t& z* u8 G) c
Please feel free to contact me at anytime if further information is needed. My cell phone number is (519)-694-6497.
5 G7 J' J9 X9 L( `8 x& p; i8 T6 ?) M- Y3 v5 r; t
Thank you again for your time and consideration, ^; n+ e6 B1 {1 h# b; d4 z
( u' k2 j" N ?& x: { J. {" e# W- x, U6 c
Sincerely,0 j3 F* a% B) Y
7 J# }% \7 E7 `! S+ c
( ]0 J: n: A5 \+ ~, TShawn, Luo.- f j; \3 }9 _2 l; N: h
. L) y2 _9 t* L
; T# U& Q# }& D% C0 m& F8 Q9 c! [9 k7 fP.S. I would also like to ask you for your colleague\'s email address and her full title, so that I can send a personal thank-you note to her as well to show my appreciation as regard to today\'s interview.6 a% ~" Q/ N5 F: t3 W a# d
) }# a$ N9 Y" ]& T8 k! C
' ^6 t: y0 k! _ L) W--------------------------------------------------, g* g0 Y! [- E& b. ]
( G- V) v4 n2 h' @* X" X+ I' g9 Z
- Y3 g6 J8 k& |# XDear Sonia,
. ^' r' u. N+ w* E: {7 X S , W5 P3 q' t3 }8 c6 S
I got your email from Paul and would like to take the opportunity to personally say \"thank you\" for giving me the interview on Friday March 30th. I appreciate your time and effort in taking notes during the interview as well as explaining the job expectations and other details for this position.% {4 h6 L0 L. J- Q7 J4 x
2 c* O6 v$ Z7 F. ~5 E, u2 u After speaking with you and Paul, I do find the job is very orientated and challenging as an entry-level position. However, I do feel that I would be a perfect candidate for this position as I responded to Paul, offering the quick learning and adaptability and most importantly - negotiation skill that are needed for this diversified position.
' `0 v+ a! i, U
. S. N( ]. T, X, |# U1 ] In addition to my enthusiasm for performing well, I would bring the technical and analytical skills with aspiring attitude to overcome any challenges this position may provide, delivering the job done at 120 percent of my ability through continuous learning in the interest of maintaining my employability for the organization.
! N! s4 A0 H: S( g/ ^! w7 g4 H }8 h
' Y$ l; ^' H! \/ n I am very interested in working for you and Paul, please feel free to contact me at anytime if further information is needed. My cell phone number is (519) 694-6497
; J8 I. F: X5 e3 e4 m ( {$ t6 m% F n
Thank you again for your time and consideration. # u, q2 j7 S: I" j" l; f6 g3 `
b6 h9 \! N# R [1 Y! m
! X5 c1 w! m. k9 @Sincerely,
# K, M- \9 k; A! Z" g& n 8 l# _' m4 {$ m. q8 h6 V
Shawn, Luo
6 f2 d0 r4 N1 s% Q
7 t% |0 t* b% K4 \2 |4 V' O9 w8 r
) F3 N: |% d7 x& @
1 u; u0 g. w8 P7 n1 }9 w$ O5 H! O7 e3 i6 x6 t P5 F( W
8 t$ G" A; F9 P& v# r
) Z2 n W' B8 V. X4 g8 I------------------------------------------
( x/ D2 K+ O3 P: hDear Paul,
1 c+ _4 Z1 G; T) Y7 L$ I+ F% S7 V$ m
After getting the refusal, I tried to revaluate and realized that I wasn\'t presenting enough of myself in a profound way as seeing fitted for organization as of now. Thus I would like to seek for some feedbacks if you could kindly clarify on how you reached the decision.
: `" I- [1 c9 H + F) |, }$ H# M9 Z1 K
As of this morning, I received an email from TD online recruitment for the hiring of Sales Specialist in London Call Centre. Based on the interview we had, I\'d also like to ask for your advice on areas for improvement that could help me to become a successful candidate for this job as well as May\'s hiring session in your department.
; e4 Q2 Y5 o E( t# F
7 ~. K8 G }6 x- ~# F [Sincerely,9 _) c! L7 k# r3 K( P- H
! A$ a7 g4 D! K6 v+ L6 jShawn Luo4 g& R( M8 A' A8 y8 a; D, G
6 Z( o% H# E1 W6 T+ ?P.S. Thank you in advance for your feedback and advice on my qualifications, I look forward to the next opportunity to work with you and will follow-up in May for another interview to update my resume and show the improvements from your suggestion. |