- 积分
- 188
- 威望
- 74 点
- 资产
- 475 金币
- 注册时间
- 2013-9-13
Great location! less than 5mins walk to bus 10,10b,17 and 20. very convenient transportation to DT, masonville mall, whiteoak mall, west mount mall, uwo and fanshawe college. around 10mins walk to costco, farm boy market, rona, angelo's market, movati club, restaurants, food island chinese market, rexall drug store, sears outlet stores and vehicles stores. We are looking for a neat and clean roommate. 2 people share one fridge. 2 people share one bathroom ( with bath tub). contact me if you need more details.
, ^& h K, x5 P$ K0 Mone room will be $500 includes everything. one room will be $450 ( in the loft)
2 @$ K6 \5 d( m+ h4 H& k! \0 }9 R$ k0 Q) P. g
好地角 好环境 500每个月 可长期 短期' B4 D7 {9 _2 P% `2 A" o
是一个house 不是公寓 好邻居
& j- a7 Q) J1 B2 \% ~& b% r% v9 G包含水电网气的价钱
" _' M+ j7 C( ^% o含有家具
! B! _9 j8 L$ k* t& I; f5 V' k拎包入住+ b* T) }1 F% @" K0 n9 j
2个人一个卫生间 $ T9 Y( f& t ]; P" \
2 J" b* y; q4 o公共厨房 餐厅(6-8人大桌子)- x& d" m2 s g2 y6 `
{7 @% P$ S. h+ r有阁楼
) h9 {3 O% X$ I, {# R有前后院
- a$ |5 n# b9 P欢迎随时看房 鉴于本人电脑不懂行 实在不会传照片
; l+ j! b' N/ x$ d/ A* I2 B希望能找一个 干净 整洁的室友 男女不限 不可以在房间抽烟
4 C* y5 [3 B1 {$ c0 S+ H房子绝对的干净 整洁
& t. p0 @4 E- _本人在uwo读大三 还有一个女生是uwo研究生4 d, [; P5 C9 u
8 x: ^1 p. M+ s" V0 P/ Z一个500刀一个月 1个450刀一个月 (便宜的价钱因为在阁楼)
2 M% Z0 e) A1 l8 a, {1 a8 b空调 暖气 全有
! M6 y- q0 r, i3 ~" [! O) i欢迎电话联系 1 g% r; _$ t6 K7 F% t- O' a
519-691-6435 |