- 积分
- 130
- 威望
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- 注册时间
- 2008-2-5

楼主 |
发表于 2008-5-28 18:11
0 t1 e9 m$ R9 Y2 x! o& Y a S4 R
G3 }* w$ o$ R5 B/ `http://www.londonchinese.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=11128$ n$ Z9 u2 r/ A
China Earthquake Relief Concert6 u' Q& P" n. k5 H
天灾无情 人间有爱
# n4 [. E5 _6 e4 D4 l) ]7 n# B伦敦华人赈灾义演
4 A, u$ t! j7 T/ c3 z; G: C# K/ J$ qChina Earthquake Relief Concert+ _- P# H9 d, F& L# _
Unite in Love, Rebuild with Hope5 f" R3 b! P2 r/ S, T+ d9 l5 c
3 J$ i7 r2 o3 m1 ~( u
( p3 m* ~, `! z+ T* q+ ZDate 日期: June 3, 2008. 2008年六月三日- i* U& k! K, w+ A# B! ^
Time 时间: 7:00pm-9:00pm 晚上七点至九点
# V" q" I, ]4 e! j, i. NVenue 地点: North Park Community Church, 1510 Fanshawe Park Rd. E., London, ON.4 H; @ f; N1 B; F
- A N4 h i, a. K) q# \; E4 wAdmission :
+ a* C. E U9 `$ |' vFree — recommended donation $20, no limit to those who are willing to donate more 捐献额不限,捐献下限20元
3 R' I9 }1 H6 j5 W% ^7 A! ~
) m+ N B0 P, v, o7 a2 x% FMethods of Donation :7 R2 Q) h4 N# j
● by cheque or money order payable to Canadian Red Cross , earmarked \"China Earthquake\".
7 p/ I. P' J ?7 \" [$ _" s# j● Cash donation ONLY available at the door
1 T1 j" N" s5 ~( r7 b9 UFor income tax receipts to be issued by the Canadian Red Cross, the donor must provide name, complete mailing address and donation amount
, I' n: p/ A1 B, g6 L2 jat the time of donation on our prescribed form for submission to the Canadian Red Cross .
' @, Q- ^- M9 i# k" ^' m2 {2 u/ D! a- Z
Organizers and sponsors :
, [, \9 }. @9 [8 }& R- PChinese Canadian National Council, London Chapter 全加华人协进会伦敦分会, O5 K( K: E( t
jointly with; R' o" B% t5 N1 S/ }# t
★ The Chinese Freemasons of London 中国洪门民治党伦敦分部; v' {: J5 E& w2 v y5 y* O
★ London Chinese Alliance Church 伦敦华人宣道会$ p& c$ c# S2 S, j
★ North Park Community Church - Asian Fellowship 诺柏亚洲团契2 R5 t$ V4 k! n
★ London Mandarin Alliance Church 伦敦国语宣道会
5 I. N' z3 L) ~1 W5 q2 D( Q5 W { T' W★ University of Western Ontario7 I$ \2 E7 T( S7 @. I8 X! W5 g
★ UWO Chinese Student and Scholar Association& {, x7 c$ n* r, K* x( I
★ Chinese Visiting Scholars in London
. [1 f5 Q# |) G' }4 v" w. t4 N% _: L★ King\'s University College
W( t n) S. v9 v6 R$ b★ King\'s University College Chinese Students\' Association1 }& v2 N) g) J4 q
★ Fanshawe College# H$ E& U. a# h6 v$ |1 O
★ Fanshawe College - Chinese Student Association
; _" d$ X5 I) b★ London North Rotary Club1 {5 O' m) a' N' s1 t4 q- I8 o" I1 G
★ TESLondon
7 Q1 p+ i5 I7 h: E0 u6 y★ London Chinese School 伦敦中文学校- x$ P! R/ |- o2 d6 }
★ London Chinese Press 伦敦大众时报2 {8 }/ y2 {: q* Q5 y5 t
; F) n; C2 o2 |: x. V4 DLocations for accepting donation by cheque or money order and issue of tickets 可在以下地点捐献、取票, 以下地点可通过支票来捐献并取得凭证:
k( ^( {& h" k1 L) c8 h9 kThis fundraising activity is NOT being conducted by the Canadian Red Cross, but has been initiated by and organized
3 B# r7 D1 S' @+ b4 Bby the above-listed organizations.0 W; ]+ p' z: f& n8 n
All funds raised will be donated to The Canadian Red Cross for \"China Earthquake\".
+ \* z0 k, N9 q/ |1 G1 ?London Chinese Cultural Centre at 1701 Trafalgar Street Monday-Friday 10:00am-5:00pm Tel. 519 451 0760+ T2 l* l/ G) t1 A1 s, t8 O
Chartered Accountant Peter Ho\'s Office at 466 Ridout St. N. London Monday-Friday 2:00pm-5:00pm
6 a G k3 ^% J# _0 t' w& ~3 n GVirtual Micro Technology at 600 Oxford Street, East. London Monday-Friday 10:30am-5:00pm Saturday 11:00am-3:00pm0 }5 c7 ]: d( l. b
Far East Mart at 106-25 Oxford Road W. London Monday-Saturday10:30am-8:00pm Sunday 11:00am-6:00pm" t4 F& U) D4 R0 b7 n" N
Asia Food Mart at 1154 Hamilton Road London Sunday Noon-5:00pm Monday-Saturday 9:30am-5:00pm (11:00pm for Monday/Thursday)
/ w+ [# X' A9 A1 a& C F5 vTimmerman Insurance Brokers Limited, 471 Waterloo Street, London Monday-Friday 10:00am-4:00pm" n/ q' Q0 X& j5 E
5 _% j# J/ w5 a1 R9 s4 E
This fundraising activity is NOT being conducted by the Canadian Red Cross, but has been initiated by and organized8 x* b2 q5 s1 J; q+ h( Q4 G+ o
by the above-listed organizations.# ]5 e; b# t2 N) A
All funds raised will be donated to The Canadian Red Cross for \"China Earthquake\". |