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- 2013-12-14
Journalism and mass communication1 L( ?+ U0 f: |) L0 j4 J
传媒传播专业/ O3 W! u) t- u8 T) M$ t6 A4 _
" @, b% Y# a: t5 ~" |很多中国学生在美国大学会选择Journalism and mass communication这个大方向,侧重新闻和大众传播, 该专业的研究生教育通常可以分为两类。; I7 p _ v* Z2 B: t$ g) B
一种是职业性型教育。必修课包括媒介理论,大众传播研究方法是否必修因校而异。根据各校专业重点,会有一些与新闻和传播实践有关的理论课程,比如,新闻工作的哲学和原则,媒介法与媒介政策,新闻实践与媒介新技术等。选修课则根据个人的方向与指导老师一起确定。这些方向可能包括:Journalism, advertising, publish relations, electronic media, media management. 这个大方向的硕士毕业生毕业时可以选择做硕士论文。多数选择综合考试加professional project. 诸如Columbia University, Northwestern University, University of Missouri, Syracuse University, University of California at Berkley 和其他一些大学培养的多数都是这样的硕士研究生。毕业后一般去媒体或者实业界工作。
5 N, @/ p7 B! B2 a. f5 ?另外一种是研究型教育。必修课包括媒介理论,大众传播研究方法,以及其它一些与媒介有关的理论课,例如舆论、宣传与媒介,宪法第一修正案,媒介伦理等。这些课程职业方向的研究生也经常选修。选修课则根据个人的方向与指导老师以前确定。这些方向可能包括:Journalism, advertising, publish relations, electronic media, media management. 各校所设的研究方向有所不同。不同的研究方向,既可以学习与该方向有关的实践课程,了解实践领域的状况为研究积累知识,也可以进一步学习研究方法和有关理论。这部分硕士研究生毕业后可能继续在新闻与传播学领域或者其它领域念博士。毕业时他们一般做硕士论文。 0 [: J) ^3 Z* @4 @
推荐学校: x% v) }3 {1 c3 D& l
哥伦比亚大学7 q; l1 V4 X: t4 i- B5 `
Columbia University1 G/ n, D$ ]1 D5 R/ G; ?( \ s
Journalism, newspapers, magazines1 E& s! G; n0 f/ h$ G: l- M
Television and radio programs and new forms of media
) ^ I' \5 k2 m+ `& O- hPolitics, Arts & Culture( n# y f' e% a
Business & Economics, and Science
2 m l b& k) YJournalism and Public Life 0 L$ v, b0 {8 O3 S' X
Social Impact of Media, Economic 1 s- N% w7 @9 s/ [: R
Legal, and Policy Aspects of Communication
' B: K* t2 H8 T/ c哥伦比亚大学他的传媒学校没有像其他学校那样开设很多的学科,他学科的设置主要集中在新闻学传播领域。
- i- v6 H2 v( k9 d( }' I* C申请条件
& q5 ], b% L8 [$ Z由于M.A Program 和 M.S Program 教学的侧重点不同所以他们在录取当中的要求也是略有不同。M.A在录取的时候侧重强调的是申请人必须有strong background in liberal arts, business, law and several other disciplines。并且在提交申请以后还要参加由他们本校组织的Writing Test 的考试,这个考试的难度类似纽约时报社评性的评论。而M.S Program 则需要申请人提供Writing Sample。但是,无论你申请的是哪个学位,该校对申请人的硬件条件要求也是非常的高,IBT要达到114,才有资格申请。0 S* r2 q. @- I+ |0 r
纽约大学. `, L z1 R; q/ [
New York University/ @$ L4 Q% x; S8 R
Reporting New York
* O* N/ L9 w, J4 TReporting the Nation
* H# J$ N9 O2 p1 v& ^4 kMagazine Writing Program
0 r; I/ d( L5 U" Y: l' INews and Documentary1 @- N, H8 [/ _3 B/ z
Business and Economic Reporting (BER)
+ g/ n( I$ f2 b# \; RCultural Reporting and Criticism (CRC) 9 J& @3 ~" r' y$ k- Y* d: Y' i4 ~
Science, Health and Environmental Reporting (SHERP)
6 T9 ^! T- T% X4 GGlobal and Joint Program Studies# @* l& l: V7 l0 a4 b0 _
Literary Reportage (new for 2009)
- d/ ~- E/ [ ]- p; M# ]! m2 EStudio 20 (new for 2009) |% ]$ S/ V2 l- ? } Y/ z4 z
纽约大学主要的研究领域是在传播新闻学方面,尤其是采访技巧,新闻播报等实用性方面。纽约大学与哥伦比亚大学相比更偏向于商业新闻报导这一领域,专业设置多以Business and Economic Reporting为主,并且在这一领域有很强的权威性。* H4 E/ `$ k7 v# _
申请条件9 |$ r( e: g' ~7 W; h
申请人除了提供基本的申请材料,包括PS(Cultural Reporting and Criticism 的申请者用CRC essay代替PS)、推荐信(三封)外,还需提供三份writing sample,同时鼓励申请者提供图像或视频剪辑。NYU的竞争是非常激烈的,建议申请者有一定的工作或实习经验,虽然学校在工作经验上没有硬性的要求,但事实上,NYU更倾向于录取有丰富经历的申请者。在硬件条件方面,NYU的最低要求是TOEFL 100分以上(但如果刚达到100分,相信竞争力是不够的),GRE的verbal部分600分以上。% w) `4 P' V+ ^! @1 C5 i
' I" V. [3 G* W: _" g3 _0 J( _: `* |- kUniversity of Berkeley9 B _$ Z7 d+ _+ ]5 c, U$ L: ^
Business Reporting Documentary
' l! c6 J- ~- Z# _7 j% vScience and Environmental Reporting! ?, b. i: |9 m* [5 F% V0 D
International Reporting
! C a/ {0 j& |3 A* s; I" |Investigative Reporting
c& M# e) x; B/ {Magazine New media
" @ c# h& G4 \+ S: f* ?. xNewspaper Photojournalism" j0 [4 R }; _0 k2 h$ o% w" P ?
Political reporting Radio
8 @/ G/ Y r. ^9 G" K, _, yTelevision Urban Reporting
. x0 `3 U, u( a- sUC BERKELEY和NYU、哥大同样是以新闻报道而出名,并且分类更细致。; _$ m0 m" |: _5 z
" W2 o' K j" E0 O申请人需至少提供3个作品,其中的两个必须是Writing sample,另外的一个可以是录像带、Photo Essay等。申请人的工作经验虽然校方网站并没有说是必须的,但是同时学校也说由于每年都有大量的申请者,所以竞争很激烈。工作经历和专业经验,对录取来说是一个非常重要的考核点。而且对语言方面的要求也比较高,TOFEL IBT通常要达到110以上,GRE达到1300以上,这样的成绩才会比较有竞争力。
2 \5 h5 k7 V" B6 D6 |密苏里大学-哥伦比亚
; n+ l, k, C& }7 k4 V |; w. ?University of Missouri-Columbia4 x. O% ]! A0 x) |. ?
Advertising 、Strategic Communication
- V0 G* H9 X% H, y3 w# G9 p* pConvergence Students with No Significant Media Experience / e- t$ w Q4 H/ F
Convergence Students with Significant Experience in Strategic Communication Convergence Students with Significant Experience as a Broadcast Journalist
4 ^8 y/ d- g8 b/ |, i# HConvergence Students With Significant Experience as a Print Reporter/Editor 、Convergence Students with Significant Experience as a Photojournalist 、Convergence Concentrations+ C) ^* B$ f W$ }
Magazine Design 、Magazine Editing 、Magazine Writing 、News Design 、News Editing 、News Reporting/Writing 、Photojournalism 、Visual Editing & Management 、Reporting with Television Emphasis; No Prior Broadcast Experience 、Reporting with Radio Emphasis; No Prior Broadcast Experience 、Producing; No Prior Broadcast Experience
& ~2 }$ y J" h- U+ n9 M" KReporting with Television Emphasis; Professional Broadcast Experience Required 2 ?6 V V* M7 m8 n8 {6 }/ J4 k
In-Depth Reporting; Prior Broadcast Experience Required 、Investigative Reporting 、International 、Environmental Reporting9 Z, [% V6 G7 m$ r% A
Law and Conflict Resolution 、New Media 、News Media and Society 、Public Policy Journalism , G; Q0 S& f; ~6 {, Q# o( E2 K
密苏里大学的新闻传媒学校是全美几大最知名的新闻学校之一。也是美国最早提供新闻传媒高等教育的学院。并且密苏里大学的新闻学院规模非常大,师资力量强大。教授的领域也非常广泛。主要分为广告,新闻编辑、照片、杂志、新闻、电台六大方面。在课程设置上也比较注重学生在新闻采访和写作技巧方面的培养,同时这所大学所教授的课程大多是以研究性为主。- j4 N# v& F+ u8 _
# k/ q$ Y% W, W2 a0 FUM -Columbia是美国最早成立传媒学院的大学,是传媒专业的老牌牛校,非常注重学术研究。学校的研究生录取最低要求并不高,根据网站要求,GPA3.0,TOEFL IBT 100分,GRE 1000以上即可申请,但是,该校实际的竞争是非常激烈的。传媒专业可以提供Masters、doctorate学位,而且PHD学位的毕业率很高,达到了91%, 远远超过了传播学PHD的平均毕业率。但是PHD只录取Master学生,本科毕业的不能直接申请。研究生学习非本专业的,需要有选修或学过相关核心课程,所以对想申请PHD的学生来说,有一定难度。需要注意的是申请传媒专业,最好能够有相关工作背景,并且学校要求提供Writing Sample。
7 s* l+ ~. o8 G- Z: ~2 W/ C8 Y* c, i雪城大学& q. m' E! g- Y, a
Syracuse University
% k- v& a" m! h! ~2 @' [# Z' L: FMass communications ; u) y, l' P! T$ G% L% p/ E/ y8 }8 P9 i
% H$ Q e% \; C+ mArts journalism
1 c4 c( h" E+ u0 @: r& s" s) fBroadcast journalism# ]0 | C; ?1 U$ n& Z6 W' K" i
Documentary film and history 2 Y& N4 O9 T* m8 b; I9 z& \/ |
Magazine, newspaper and online journalism ( x7 a! L3 J: o
Media management;Media studies& F8 y/ J" Y. m4 h X
New media;Photography : K7 }$ B: e9 }5 l2 Q4 N
Public diplomacy;Public relations
6 ]% T3 m2 C( }! u6 GTelevision, radio and film 9 s/ X: l! ~0 o/ u# b( W: Z
雪城大学在美国是以文科著名的院校,有优越的地理位置和秀丽的风景之外,还有着强大的硬件设置和师资力量,传媒学院的计算机房全部采用的是苹果机,传媒学院师教职员工达到60名之多,可见其传媒学院之庞大。该校的Media Studies偏重于学术类,申请的人并不是很多,所以他们的这个专业每年有三分之一招收的都是中国学生,所以非常受中国学生的欢迎。
( T7 ~0 Z" p1 [! o9 a# O9 p& B申请条件; i) r9 F( L9 ]" }3 J/ N3 b$ G& X
该校对国际学生申请要求较高。学校往年录取的国际学生中,TOEFL成绩平均要达到110分,国际学生大约占10-15%,并且录取的一般都有相关工作经验。申请人需要提供, PS ,CV,这种常规的申请材料之外,Media management 专业接受的是GMAT。但是申请人不可以同时申请SU的其它专业,不提供Joint Degree。+ L7 [6 v/ f/ Y$ e' r( W$ Q
, B& E. X& v, \传媒的就业前景广阔,涵盖行业包括出版,印刷,教育,政府,酒店,广告,公关,娱乐(电影,电视,电台,音乐),新闻,艺术,服装以及大型企业的市场推广部门等。涵盖的职能包括:市场咨询,活动与广告策划,平面设计与制作,公关宣传,企业形象包装,品牌推广,营销等等。
9 p9 Y5 |- w$ G5 d1 c# B' N! r( h/ O9 x4 O" A3 u/ w# y
: B% M6 [0 _9 q3 _6 y0 b1. APPLIED COMMUNICATION - Includes Health Communication, Political Communication, and Public Relations.
6 Q+ N: @, D& Z j; P T应用传播学:包括健康传播学,政治传播学, 公共关系学3 k' s8 D" P7 j. i
University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication6 T( g" g' M1 G/ N4 g
University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department
- P& x F0 M$ O D9 M( U8 PIndiana University - Speech Communication Department
# S' ]- f! V0 KUniversity of Maryland, College Park ; U N0 Z0 L3 D; A J7 V/ b
Purdue University ; H* D) E p) e
Michigan State University - Communication Department % J$ E& ~. K5 N8 a
Stanford University
7 V# Z0 B1 r4 HNorthwestern University - Department of Communication Studies # Q0 f! y& o2 H& Z, [1 s5 B# ^
University of Arizona : s9 [+ i4 L. x$ A% r. Z: r. a
University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication ' ?) y2 F# _/ z5 @) L3 _. G& L
University of Oklahoma
; h0 D0 i( B* |7 _, _University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department
* d, ~( N7 r7 X, l, O3 a) QUniversity of Kentucky s" K2 s: ]& W& i- i) k9 d e# S
Arizona State University 9 P2 t; ]( f# m& M" \3 E6 [; L
Michigan State University - Mass Media #. Program - \' @. u4 a! n7 N& `
Ohio University - Interpersonal Communication Department 4 U* d! z1 k" K5 T2 C% n0 w
Pennsylvania State University
. b w" v. \/ n" u2 gUniversity of South Florida
6 T2 D* |$ ]) ~: uUniversity of Georgia - Speech Communication Department
8 O- }. J9 z. N" L% t$ ^! sUniversity of California, Santa Barbara5 j) L- L& l" ]2 R" |0 M, Q
# F/ r+ P# f) U- d3 O" d, |传播教育
5 S6 [; X% V' L; \/ J8 q) e3 HWest Virginia University F9 l0 w5 m- r: t
University of Washington
2 R4 M* ~( h6 o7 {& qIndiana University - Speech Communication Department
% M5 h a2 q- x; T0 R, ?Pennsylvania State University
+ G5 }+ y" U6 Z4 `3 QUniversity of Nebraska, Lincoln
0 ?$ A8 @0 S& ^* r5 h9 b& V: J$ bUniversity of Oklahoma
' Y! p: c* m$ B. MKent State University 3 w; l+ V" J5 q
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale - P3 [1 W9 v8 s2 {$ h4 X) U6 d
Northwestern University - Department of Radio-TV-Film - F C) f' s! [% R
University of Missouri, Columbia $ j( O! {7 q9 t7 w* E6 t
Wayne State University 2 h% ^' q' g* k5 B6 Y
University of New Mexico
- Z8 y, w& k( [% C( ?New York University 9 `3 p3 M {1 G# v9 W8 B
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- ]4 X: g9 S5 f% C9 U, PUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
" n5 l) Y7 x+ b* x0 m# T0 z+ `/ w+ d 3. COMMUNICATION THEORY & RESEARCH - Includes Nonverbal Communication, Family Communication, Persuasion, Interpersonal Communication, and Small Group Communication $ D2 f7 D# I3 k# h
传播学理论与研究/ R& B% U' d) K
University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department
! L" Z/ C, ?- c$ V) z2 S1 Q, TUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department
, A* g/ f! |# u6 QMichigan State University - Communication Department3 N R( w. b% P! A+ A. E6 b% @' V, c% d
University of Wisconsin, Madison
8 W0 w, V1 j4 K" B! V) |0 F2 YUniversity of Arizona ) t2 E" R+ }# N ~
University of Iowa 9 V$ N( ~6 r' V( @7 i2 k
Purdue University
9 P+ ~) z2 ~3 V. j9 o: zNorthwestern University - Department of Communication Studies
) t; b' {( h/ dUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
2 T9 a- F+ h# Y g: M Q0 [University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication/ ]- w9 T% } ?0 Y& T( J
媒介研究与文化批评1 o' _5 `, d$ c! M: ~
University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication
3 s/ B2 h0 T1 s, aUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Institute of Communications ; ]& S3 R/ V6 I1 V" `; ~8 `
University of Texas, Austin - Department of Radio-TV-Film % Z$ v, F9 Q, ?8 K6 P' f
University of Iowa / b/ U1 k& u9 N
University of Wisconsin, Madison M# C( A" j! q$ J+ v
Northwestern University - Department of Radio-TV-Film
8 E5 t2 S' ~8 l' sUniversity of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication . d; [" F) p ?" B0 b
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
C: C* s2 g7 J; @University of Utah
( {' }+ K p" S, ]4 [University of California, San Diego M% s |9 i W( s
* g. ?$ w8 t% O5 M跨文化传播9 k/ F+ t% Q4 W: _
Arizona State University * ?4 Z5 H4 J6 F' p4 X' j, H
University of Hawaii, Manoa ( O" q5 X, d0 [; F
Howard University
4 I/ C% h: d+ U) ]1 K9 g& W* xUniversity of New Mexico & n+ ]2 J, Z+ P; L8 H* _/ g* i' r
University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department * U+ e, H( @$ r$ A
University of Oklahoma / ~/ }$ [* j( P: U0 ^
University of Washington
8 l; |$ r$ {4 UUniversity of California, Santa Barbara ) C2 g+ ?, t6 ?7 s) l
University of California, San Diego
- Q+ T/ x% r7 w" W% h) j& [University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication
+ A: j8 `' t- o% S$ @& v) ? 6. ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION i' e4 k9 F8 x, R
8 Q3 E2 q( E, |- hPurdue University + N0 c2 W- {" t; z5 P
University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department 6 _9 }$ m: ^/ u4 w% L
University of Colorado, Boulder 8 V' Z: D+ e2 Y! Y" x% I+ t
Michigan State University - Communication Department
: s# B j! P8 L( x% nUniversity of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication
% ?9 z9 g! j. }- DUniversity of Utah
# w7 m3 l y2 v4 b& KUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne - Speech Communication Department
) H3 [7 w* r9 vUniversity of Kansas
7 s+ @$ k( f: z7 ?5 l, tArizona State University
% v) q9 e8 L- |Rutgers University" B4 J) c9 a* {% c6 ^" g( N
7. RHETORIC - Includes Rhetorical Theory, Rhetorical Criticism, and History of Rhetoric, F4 t4 |% r ~/ L5 c! f& a
( Y( X3 Z6 O$ G3 `University of Iowa
0 a4 R2 o4 l4 O, VNorthwestern University - Department of Communication Studies . X3 m/ m7 N6 t( X0 c7 W: r5 `0 q
University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department
& N; R$ l" O0 }( x, ~Pennsylvania State University + y" d0 s" x- a+ s
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department ! z- K1 C3 r: E
Indiana University - Speech Communication Department 5 B3 ]1 b' w. v
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - Speech Communication Department
1 [* G6 ?& J" O! HUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison , m- o& Q& t# O( x! E
University of California, Berkeley - Rhetoric Department# o3 d( Q& v; i7 m6 C$ f
University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication
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